Thursday, December 31, 2009
Catching Up
December was a crazy month. I am no closer to my goal of weight loss because I made it to the gym ONCE the entire month. Will is up nearly every morning by 5 to be at work or wrestling practice, and I am not about to be up by 3:30 or 4 just to get a workout in. Will gets home in time to take a quick rest and leave for practice but not long enough for me to get a workout in. He then gets home around 6:30 PM, which is usually my first chance to just rest from a full day of home-making. Could I workout in the evening? Yes. Do I have the energy or desire to workout during my first chance in the day to rest and be with my husband? No. It is all very discouraging. My sister-in-law promised to come over three times a week in December to watch the kids so I could go work out and made it once.
Two positives to end my weight loss goal topic: 1. Wrestling will be over at the end of February!! 2. I requested a twelve time pass from the "expensive gym" in town for Christmas. This gym is better than my gym because it provides childcare for $2 a kid and has classes. The passes expire January 31, so I will be motivated to get in there and use them up!
On to other news:
Christmas is over. Here is a quick recap of how we spent our holiday...Last Sunday, we traveled to Grinnell for Will's dad's family Christmas. This Christmas consisted of eating turkey sandwiches and opening presents. The kids went sledding with Uncle Shawn, which I believe is going to become an annual tradition. The kids got some great toys, and Will and I came away with a water bottle and a lottery ticket each.
Our next Christmas party was with Will's family on Christmas eve. We got together with the family and opened presents and then had soup. Everybody drew names for our Christmas exchange this year, which was a nice change for my bank account. I got aforementioned pass and Will got a wrestling jacket. We would usually go to our church's Christmas Eve service on this night, but this year it was canceled because of the weather. Bummer.
We spent Christmas day at home, which was the first time we had ever been home in the morning to open presents. It was a nice change! I will write more about our day kids are getting hungry, and I have avoided them for long enough.
Maybe I will even find time later today to write and post photos. Maybe.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Meaning of Christmas
Back to MOPS...
Judah moved up to the four to five year old room last time and was not pumped about it. He is at least a foot shorter than every one in the class, which I am sure is intimidating, and he had to leave his bff, Zoe, behind in the three year old room. Today when I dropped him off, I was a bit worried that he would remember how miserable he was last time. We walked in to find them all playing with play-doh, and some kid says, "Hey, look! It's Judah! Hey, Judah, remember how you don't like us??" Come on, kid! Luckily it didn't phase him because there was play-doh to be manipulated.
I still haven't gotten to my favorite part of the experience. I walked into his classroom at the end of the session, and his teacher said, "Judah, tell your mama what God wants for Christmas." Judah responded, very enthusiastically, "A MIRROR!"
I was a bit confused and looked at his teacher for an explanation. Her look told me that she was surprised by his answer. "Judah, what was in the mirror?"
He thought about it. "Me?" Then he gained a little confidence. "Me, Mama! God wants me for Christmas!"
On the way home, I told Judah to let Mayah and Liam know that God wants them for Christmas.
"No, Mama. He just wants us for classroom."
I think the meaning of Christmas may have gone right over Judah's head.
Monday, December 7, 2009
These are a Few of My Favorite Things
Regardless of how much the things in this song annoy me, it did get me thinking about some of my favorite things. I have compiled a list of some of my favorite things about my kids.
I love...
- how the first thing Liam does in the morning when I lay him down to change his diaper is blink. He gets the biggest smile on his face and blinks two or three times while I blink back. It seems to be a secret Liam language, and I love it.
- that Mayah apologizes when she runs into furniture or other inanimate objects. She very clearly says, "Sorry, Babe". I love that she doesn't stop to address the offended chair but continues to walk as she apologizes.
- that Judah's body parts talk to him. His penis "tells" him that it is time to pee. His tummy "tells" him that it needs cookies. He encourages his booty to "PUSH" while sitting on the potty (even in public restrooms).
- how well my children sleep. I have been blessed with sleepers.
- that Judah tells jokes that make absolutely no sense and that Mayah laughs hysterically at the "punch line". I love that they are both seeking attention in different ways.
- hearing Liam coo from the back seat. He is seated so he can see Judah and Mayah, and sometimes I think he is trying so hard to just talk to his family.
- that Judah says really funny (and sometimes inappropriate) things without even knowing it. Today he kept yelling at Mayah to "eat his nuts." I had to have him repeat himself four times before realizing that he was pretending to be a squirrel.
- how my children love people. I have somehow raised children who jump out of my arms to go to the nursery or to be held by people they may or may not recognize. Mayah is famous for sitting in random laps at the library during story time. Last week at church, Judah ran into the middle of a random group of young men and grabbed a guy's leg. I walked up to the group and asked the guy if he knew my son. None of them had ever seen him before. After prying Judah from the guy's calf, I asked Judah what he was doing. "I needed a hug." I love him.
- how loved they make me feel. I have raised cuddlers, which I adore. Judah tells me at least ten times a day that we are best friends and "I just wanna be with ya, Mama."
Okay, so there are definitely more things that I love about my kids. These are just a few of my favorite things.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I don't hate winter. Winter is fine. I am even ok with icy roads. If it could be 70 degrees out while I am driving 20 mph on the icy roads, I wouldn't complain. I don't like the way my cheeks feel when the wind pierces them. I don't like the way my fingers and toes become numb. I don't like that I can't jump in my car and drive to get some milk without ten minutes of preparation. I don't like that I force my children to stay inside all day because lugging three small children around in these conditions seems unbearable.
Why do I live in Iowa if I am such a whiner? It is because of you suckers. I have a proposal. Let's sell all of our assets and pool our money together to buy an island. This is for you, family, friends, and church. You all have to come. You can also invite your friends and family, but if they can't come it is okay, because I will be there to keep you company. Our lives can be exactly the same, only without the misery of December, January, February, and sometimes March. It will be nothing like a commune, and I won't force you to drink kool-aide. It will be more like the Dharma Initiative (only without the smoke monster, the natives, or Ben).
Who's in? Come on..give me something to hold on to this winter..even if it is a load of crap.
I hate cold.
Monday, November 30, 2009
For real, have you ever seen a cuter little Liam? Liam will be eight months old tomorrow. EIGHT. He is crawling on his belly (army crawling) and is all over the place. He is officially my earliest crawler. I'm not sure I was ready for all of the movement going on in this house. He loves to locate all of the cords in the house and scurry toward them to find a place for them in his already saliva filled mouth. The kid already has six razor sharp teeth. He is still a great sleeper, too. My boy sleeps at least twelve hours every night and takes two or three naps during the day, each lasting an hour or more.
Monday, November 23, 2009
My Little Comedian
This morning, I heard Judah leave his bedroom and run down the steps to wake up Liam. I reluctantly rolled out of bed and headed down the steps. When Judah heard me coming into the kitchen, he threw open Liam's door and jumped out.
"MAMA!! Last night, Papa said, 'Good night, Buddy.' And I said, 'Good night, Grandma!!' HAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!"
"Wow, Judah. That's pretty silly. Why did you call Papa 'Grandma'?"
You get the gist. Maybe the lamest joke of the century. I love that he was waiting all night to tell me this joke. I love that it was the first thing he thought of when he saw me. I love that he giggled so violently.
Man, I love my kids.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
PARTY #4!!
He decided that he wanted a "Letter" party this year. Yes, very scholarly, I know. We decorated the house in his favorite color, red. I bought streamers
To finish off the letter theme, we cut out squares with letters of each child's first name. The kids played a game where they had to find their letter
before they could have a cupcake. Judah had a
games for his buddies. There were eleven kids at his party. It got a little crazy.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Feeling Useful is Better Than Feeling Important
Those are the nuggets of wisdom I just heard the narrator on Thomas the Tank Engine impart on said show. Hmmm...I'm beginning to believe Will's theory about the show being written by communists.
The other night, I asked Judah and Mayah to begin calming down before bed. I could not get them to stop running, let alone calm down. Will, assuming I had everything under control, went upstairs to shower and left me alone to deal with them on my own. I took this video to show him what he was missing:
I wanted to let you all see how precious Liam is when he is smiling and grunting. What I really captured is my oldest son being the victim, my daughter being the bully, and my youngest being oblivious. Enjoy.
In case you are wondering whether just asking for the ball worked, it didn't.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween Party
I went to WalMart about an hour before the party and threw together my Rocker Jess outfit. Total cost: under $10.
My Kids Really Bug Me
This was the best shot I could get of Mayah's costume. That girl loves her some candy.
I was pumped to get to dress Liam in a baby costume. This Halloween marked my first chance to get to dress a non-walking baby. Loved it. He was so sweet.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Great Pumpkin Hunt
Judah enjoyed riding in the cart,
pulled by our good friend, Scott.
Scott's lovely wife, Krista, was
on camera duty, so we failed to get her in any good shots. But believe me, she is lovely! Mayah lasted all of ten seconds in the cart. I got to carry her the rest of the way to the patch. Our goal was to pick up a pumpkin per kid. Last year, Judah picked out the tiniest, white pumpkin in the whole batch. It was impossible to do anything with. This year, I didn't hold my breath as we set the kids loose.
To the right is a photo of Mayah with the pumpkin
man. Finally, something that she enjoyed!
Mayah took time out of the great pumpkin hunt to pose for the camera. The girl loves to pose.
Please note Judah's pumpkin carrying method: one arm at the base, one arm wrapped around the stem.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Six Months Across the Board
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Pull Your Vestigation
Judah likes to sing. Judah likes to sing in repetition. Judah likes to sing the incorrect words in repetition.
Today I was entertained by a rendition of "Know Your Destination". You may recognize this tune from the beloved show, Thomas and Friends.
Judah's lyrics: Every time you leave the station, pull your vestigation.
Correct lyrics: Every time you leave the station, get to know your destination.
Thomas has some good moments, but man, are his songs lame...and a little creepy.
I enjoyed most of all how Judah ended on a high pitch, vibrato note. It was very final. Beautiful.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sad Sight
This is a picture to give you an idea of how far this disability of mine reaches:

I really dislike shopping of all kinds. Grocery shopping is especially hard on me because of the amount of time that purchase stays with me. It is one thing to buy a coat I will wear for five years. It is a completely different thing to buy a pound of hamburger that I might forget about in the back of the fridge. I hate to waste things. In a perfect world I would make up a plan for the week of exactly what we will need and buy it and nothing else. But what mother of three children three and younger has time for that? I would like to meet her. It always baffles me when I see a cupboard stocked with chips, canned goods, and cooking needs like spices at a friends house. Do people really just walk through the store and think, "Hmmm...I might someday in a month or two need lemon juice and evaporated milk. Better buy it today!" This thought process is totally lost on me. If I see a fun recipe that calls for cumin, you had better believe I need to drive to the store to buy cumin.
This really is an unfortunate problem. Sometimes I am hungry for an item we don't have. Sometimes someone comes over to watch our kids and assumes we have fallen on hard times. Sometimes we get to the place where oatmeal is our only option. Will my children grow up and only remember empty cupboards? Will they grow to despise apples because I make them eat them all before I will buy a new type of fruit? Does Will make secret trips to the store just so he can eat something other than a pop tart for lunch?
I will go shopping today. I will go shopping today. I will go shopping today. My children need to eat...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Preschool Debut

So, my friends and I put together our own little preschool. We are meeting at the church in one of the classrooms on Wednesday mornings. We have a schedule set up so that each mom teaches, assists, sits in the nursery, and has five days off in a semester. I had this morning off. I spent my free time at Hobby Lobby. It was glorious. My favorite part of this arrangement is that I can leave Mayah and Liam in the nursery during my days off, so I really do get a morning to myself. Plus, I totally trust the moms who are teaching Judah.