For real, have you ever seen a cuter little Liam? Liam will be eight months old tomorrow. EIGHT. He is crawling on his belly (army crawling) and is all over the place. He is officially my earliest crawler. I'm not sure I was ready for all of the movement going on in this house. He loves to locate all of the cords in the house and scurry toward them to find a place for them in his already saliva filled mouth. The kid already has six razor sharp teeth. He is still a great sleeper, too. My boy sleeps at least twelve hours every night and takes two or three naps during the day, each lasting an hour or more.
Monday, November 30, 2009
For real, have you ever seen a cuter little Liam? Liam will be eight months old tomorrow. EIGHT. He is crawling on his belly (army crawling) and is all over the place. He is officially my earliest crawler. I'm not sure I was ready for all of the movement going on in this house. He loves to locate all of the cords in the house and scurry toward them to find a place for them in his already saliva filled mouth. The kid already has six razor sharp teeth. He is still a great sleeper, too. My boy sleeps at least twelve hours every night and takes two or three naps during the day, each lasting an hour or more.
Monday, November 23, 2009
My Little Comedian
This morning, I heard Judah leave his bedroom and run down the steps to wake up Liam. I reluctantly rolled out of bed and headed down the steps. When Judah heard me coming into the kitchen, he threw open Liam's door and jumped out.
"MAMA!! Last night, Papa said, 'Good night, Buddy.' And I said, 'Good night, Grandma!!' HAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!"
"Wow, Judah. That's pretty silly. Why did you call Papa 'Grandma'?"
You get the gist. Maybe the lamest joke of the century. I love that he was waiting all night to tell me this joke. I love that it was the first thing he thought of when he saw me. I love that he giggled so violently.
Man, I love my kids.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
PARTY #4!!
He decided that he wanted a "Letter" party this year. Yes, very scholarly, I know. We decorated the house in his favorite color, red. I bought streamers
To finish off the letter theme, we cut out squares with letters of each child's first name. The kids played a game where they had to find their letter
before they could have a cupcake. Judah had a
games for his buddies. There were eleven kids at his party. It got a little crazy.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Feeling Useful is Better Than Feeling Important
Those are the nuggets of wisdom I just heard the narrator on Thomas the Tank Engine impart on said show. Hmmm...I'm beginning to believe Will's theory about the show being written by communists.
The other night, I asked Judah and Mayah to begin calming down before bed. I could not get them to stop running, let alone calm down. Will, assuming I had everything under control, went upstairs to shower and left me alone to deal with them on my own. I took this video to show him what he was missing:
I wanted to let you all see how precious Liam is when he is smiling and grunting. What I really captured is my oldest son being the victim, my daughter being the bully, and my youngest being oblivious. Enjoy.
In case you are wondering whether just asking for the ball worked, it didn't.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween Party
I went to WalMart about an hour before the party and threw together my Rocker Jess outfit. Total cost: under $10.
My Kids Really Bug Me
This was the best shot I could get of Mayah's costume. That girl loves her some candy.
I was pumped to get to dress Liam in a baby costume. This Halloween marked my first chance to get to dress a non-walking baby. Loved it. He was so sweet.