Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Before I begin, let me apologize for the quality of the following photos. The camera in my battery is dead, and I had to use my phone to capture this moment.
Judah has found a new favorite place to enjoy his cartoons. A few years ago, Will's dad made us a large blanket chest. It is fantastic, because I really like to have blankets ready at hand whilst I am watching tv. I would have been a prime candidate to receive a snuggie for Christmas, but alas.

Anyway, we have had this chest in our living room for four years. This week, after much Sesame Street watching, Oscar (Judah) has "moved" into this "trash can". He spends a lot of time in there these days. Who needs relax on a real couch when you can snuggle up in a pile of blankets in a coffin-like box? I think it is pretty cute until Mayah wants in there, too. That is when the blood bath ensues. That girl knows how to get what she wants.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mayah, Bloody Mayah

Mayah woke up this morning in a puddle of blood. The poor girl evidently gets massive nose bleeds in the middle of the night. Will and I seem to have passed our least desirable traits on to this girl. She gets carsick like me. Sometimes she vomits before we even get to the church, which is barely a ten minute drive. And now she gets Will's nose bleeds. This morning she had blood smeared across her face and caked in her nostrils. Obviously, she could have a lot worse problems. But who wants to wake up in a pool of blood?
I'm not sure my homemaking skills can remove the stains from this butterfly pillow. I guess it gives it character, right? I am just waiting for Judah to ask me why Mayah's butterflies are bleeding.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Worst Hair Scenario

As you may have already noticed, Mayah has some curls. Her hair is adorable right after the bath or if I take the time to wet it down and do some scrunch action with my fingers. It is even kinda nice if I just brush it out, giving it some nice Farrah Fawcett waves.
However, it is atrocious in the morning and after naps.
This is what we woke up to this morning:

How does a mess like this even happen? She has to twirl it in her sleep. I can't think of any other explanation for the nappy weave that is my daughter's hair. It is a nightmare to brush out. I use a ton of detangler, which drips down onto her back and makes her squirm. I can't figure out a way to detangle it without winces of pain. I am open for suggestions (not including the unrealistic suggestion to wash it every morning...please take my life situation into account).

Help her...help me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Beautiful Mayah

Someone today told me, "Wow. Mayah has really gotten cute."

So are you saying she used to be ugly? What a poorly worded compliment.

Geesh, people.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Comparison Game

It's that time of year again! Time for me to compare and contrast my children against one another...in a healthy, non-competitive way :) What brings along these periodic comparisons? Well-baby check-ups! Liam had his nine month appointment today. In the words of Doctor Jack Swanson, "He is nearly perfect in every way." Like I didn't already know that.
Here are the nine month stats for each of my children:

Judah weighed in at 18 pounds, 8 ounces. He was 27 inches long and had a 46.5 centimeter head.

Mayah weighed in at a whopping 24 pounds, 7 ounces. She was 28 and a quarter inches long and had a 47.2 centimeter head.

Liam weighed in today at 21 pounds, 14 ounces. He is 29 and a half inches long and has a 47 centimeter head.

Judah is still my little runt. It is beginning to look like Liam will be my tallest, and Mayah could be the cook in the family? :)

Here are the pictures that I took on the day each child turned nine months.

Judah had two bottom teeth, and his top teeth were just beginning to emerge.Mayah had two enormous teeth on the bottom and two on top as well. She also had the most squeezable cheeks you have ever seen.Liam has six full teeth! He also has way more hair than Judah and Mayah.Look at that mischievous little smile...I just don't trust it.

Next is our standing photos. All three children were crawling and pulling themselves up at eight months. Judah and Mayah were both walking at ten months...I'd be alright if Liam doesn't follow this trend.
Seriously, look at those cheeks!
Lastly, is our monthly photo taken with the green blanket. I realized that I had taken one with Judah and Mayah with the blanket over their heads, so I made sure to get one with Liam, too!


Mayah Liam
So there you have it...three beautiful children.