I'm sure some of you are waiting for me to write about my trip. Sadly, I am not quite ready to do that. It takes a while to process how I feel about everything when I get back from an experience like that.
Thank you all for your patience. In the mean time, I will tell you a little story about something that happened this week.
Our church had two amazing men,Bill Davis and Steve Sjogren, speak this week about servant evangelism and outreach. They challenged us to show Jesus' love in practical ways. We were encouraged to break the stigma that Christians do nice things for others in order to get money or to get people to come to church. It was great stuff. Thursday morning, they partnered with us in heading out into Ames and serving people.
Judah, Mayah, Liam, and I went to the library where we go to story time and handed out roses to moms and suckers to kids. We also handed out little cards that said "On us." and "Seriously...It's free!" These cards had our church's name on it, so once the librarians caught wind of what we were doing, we were told we couldn't give anyone else the card. No big deal.
After a while, we packed up and headed for the mall with a couple other families. We had bags of microwave popcorn and dollar off gift cards for Pretzlemaker. Judah had a blast walking around chanting, "Free popcorn!!" He would walk up to complete strangers and ask them if they wanted popcorn. Most of the guys would look really confused and say, "No thanks", so after a while I began to explain to people that I was out trying to teach my kids how to serve others. After that, people were so sweet to Judah. It made my heart so happy.
On to my favorite part of the day: I saw a guy walk into Footlocker and told Judah to go in there and ask "that guy" if he wanted some. Judah clearly did not see which guy I was referring to, because by they time I rounded the corner and caught up, I saw a very confused little boy. Judah was standing in front of a headless mannequin with his hands on his hips. I asked him what was the matter, and he responded:
"Mama, this guy doesn't even have a head...how is he gonna eat popcorn???"
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