...kind of. Today was the last day of preschool for the year. Judah will go to preschool again next year, so he isn't really graduating, but let's not get technical.

At our preschool, we each take a turn teaching, assisting, hanging with the nursery kids, and taking a day off. It was my turn to teach, so I had the kids review the different sections that we went over this year and then make an All About Me book. Thankfully, my assistant, Julie, is a rockstar because it was quite an undertaking. Oh how easily the preschooler becomes distracted. Above is a picture of Hollie, Julie, Judah and I.

This is the some of Judah's class. Throughout the year, we had anywhere from six to twelve kids. It was a great experience for him. I can see a huge improvement in his attention skills from when we started until now.
Judah's book turned out hilarious. Here are some sample questions:
My favorite thing to do is...be a T-Rex!! (After this question, EVERY page had to do with dinosaurs.)
My favorite toy is...ZOO!! (He proceeded to draw a map of the zoo and placed each animal, including dinos, in cages.)
My favorite thing to do with Mama and Papa is...dinosaur disco-bagging!! (This came with a little tune. Can anyone tell me what it means?)
My favorite tv show is...Dino Squad and Dinosaur Train.
When I grow up, I want to be a ...MAMA!!
Yep. That's my boy.