Judah enjoyed riding in the cart,
pulled by our good friend, Scott.
Scott's lovely wife, Krista, was
on camera duty, so we failed to get her in any good shots. But believe me, she is lovely! Mayah lasted all of ten seconds in the cart. I got to carry her the rest of the way to the patch. Our goal was to pick up a pumpkin per kid. Last year, Judah picked out the tiniest, white pumpkin in the whole batch. It was impossible to do anything with. This year, I didn't hold my breath as we set the kids loose.
To the right is a photo of Mayah with the pumpkin
man. Finally, something that she enjoyed!
Mayah took time out of the great pumpkin hunt to pose for the camera. The girl loves to pose.
I think our favorite part of the day was watching the kids struggle across the dirt clumps, vines, and enormous pumpkins.
Please note Judah's pumpkin carrying method: one arm at the base, one arm wrapped around the stem.
Please note Judah's pumpkin carrying method: one arm at the base, one arm wrapped around the stem.