Monday, October 5, 2009

The Roll

I thought I was safe. Liam was asleep. Mayah was asleep. Judah was occupied. It was time for me to shower. I took my time: washed and conditioned my hair, soaped up my dirty parts, shaved my was relaxing.

I stepped out of the shower, toweled up, and walked into my bedroom to find some clothes. Judah was sitting on our bed with what used to be a nicely put together roll of toilet paper.When I walked over to the other side of the bed, I saw where the rest of the toilet paper had gone. Judah explained that he was creating fireworks and putting them out. Whatever that means.

After he was finished, I discovered his end game. The little stinker just wanted to cardboard roll to play pirate. Aarrgh.


  1. Yes, we must never let them collaborate. :]

  2. If only my grandsons would get into unused toilet paper...
