Finally, something blog worthy! Warning to those who don't have children or just don't care about potty training: The words poop, pee, and potty frequent this entry...read at your own risk.
This was taken at the Veesha parade of my stubborn little girl.

We are on day three of Mayah fully utilizing the potty. Mayah will be two and a half at the end of May and has proven to be a worthy foe in this battle to get the Owens family down to one child in diapers. My little girl is as stubborn as they come.
Months and months ago she was totally into wearing undies and using the potty for all of her bathroom needs. Then, out of nowhere, she decided to have nothing to do with it. She didn't want to wear undies...she didn't even want to be
in the bathroom. As of late, she is back on the train. I rarely need to remind her to use the potty before she runs over to remind me it is time. We no longer need to set a timer, and she doesn't hide in her room to pee anymore. Since Friday, Mayah has awakened with a dry diaper nearly every morning and after every nap. Hallelujah!!
The only part of the train she hasn't buffered up to yet is the pooping in the potty. She will sit on the potty and push until she passes gas, which of course ends with tumultuous giggling. Thankfully, she hasn't pooped in her undies, either. The girl will wait until we put a diaper on her for nap or bed and then poop. It isn't out of defiance...I really don't think she has figured out how to drop one off on demand. We'll get there, though. I am
pumped about her sudden progress! I am also leery about getting too pumped. She has shown this progress before only to completely backslide. I love the girl. Once she decides something, it is all or nothing. She's kind of like her mama. Only kind of.