Apparently, being a male comes with some annoying obstacles. Things can happen to a boy that I, a naive mother, would have never thought of. Luckily, my boy knows how to get himself out of some sticky situations (you'll appreciate that pun in just a moment).

This is a move you might see Judah doing at any given moment. It is actually a very common stance for him. I am lucky enough to see it three...maybe ten times a day. It starts out with a low squat and ends with a little wiggle. And, yes, the mouth is usually open. What is the purpose for this move?
"I'm just getting it unstuck!" Yep..."it" sometimes sticks to his leg. Will and I have told him to leave "it" alone when "it" gets too much attention. Judah has come up with his own hands-off approach to this historic problem.
I hope it catches on. I hope we see baseball players everywhere perfecting the low squat. My boy, the inventor.
I'm glad I could capture this moment for you to put up with your blog!!!