Our appointment was for 7:30 and like lame-os, we showed up a few minutes early. Some eighty pound eighteen year old was getting seven butterflies tattooed in a line going up her side from her thigh to her shoulder blade. It really was quite beautiful, but the girl was in some serious pain. Her friends were stroking her hair and consoling her as best they could, but she was struggling. We ended up starting our appointment with someone else about 45 minutes after we got there because the girl was taking so many smoke/uncontrollable sobbing breaks. It was really comforting to me, a first timer.
I got in the chair and began my ordeal.
I took Hebrew in college and really enjoyed learning the language. I had decided a while back that I wanted to get something in Hebrew, but I had never come across anything that meant anything to me. A while back I was introduced to a Hebrew word used in the Bible to describe God's relentless pursuit of his children. This phrase really stuck with me...especially the word relentless. No matter what I'm doing with my life, God is relentlessly pursuing a relationship with me. I love knowing that I have this reminder that my God wants me everywhere I am and in everything I am doing. The word 'relentless' holds so much passion for me. I am very pleased with my decision.
I don't have a good picture of it, but you can see what it looks like on Will's photos.
Will was up after the girl finished. He had been waiting long enough that he was a little amped with anticipation by the time he got in the chair. Our artist, Butchie Von Dreaux, began outlining the art, and Will began looking a little peaked. I was busy texting people and not giving my dear husband the attention he needed (according to Will). After the outlining was finished, Butchie began mixing the color for Mayah's symbol, and Will asked if he could stand up. Butchie told him no and the next thing Will remembers is waking up from a beautiful dream. Butchie had grabbed Will's arm and kept him on the chair while Will floated in and out of consciousness for about five minutes. I didn't know what to do because Will's facial expressions were kind of creeping me out. Watching someone pass out is straight up weird. Butchie Von Dreaux told me to go down the street and get him a Coke to get his blood sugar back up. When I got back, Will and Butchie were having a good laugh. It was all very bizarre. Will drank his Coke and walked around and was back in the chair within about ten mintues. According to Dr Butchie, it is quite common for someone to pass out once he relaxes in the chair. Will says that after the outlining was finished and he realized how little the rest of the tattooing was going to hurt, his whole body relaxed and he was in dreamland.
Now for the meaning behind Will's ink. On top is a cross, symbolizing his faith and his call to care and love for those God has given him. Under the cross are symbols for the people in his family.
Directly under the cross is the Hebrew word I got on my wrist. God has given Will an amazing woman :) Under that is the face of a lion. Judah's name means "praise the Lord", which is why we liked it so much when we picked it. Jesus is a descendant from the line of Judah and is referred to as the "lion of Judah" in scripture. Will surrounded the face of the lion with the color red, because red is Judah's favorite color. The one below that is a symbol for Mayah. Mayah means "God's creative power". This was a little more difficult to come up with a symbol for. Will settled on our church's symbol because we have seen God's power in lots of creative ways at this church. It is in purple because right now Mayah gravitates toward the color purple. The final symbol is for Liam. Liam's name means "protector", thus the shield. Will will have it colored in once Liam chooses a favorite color.
Overall, it was a great experience. We are both thankful that we waited until we were in our thirties to get a tatoo. We were also VERY pleased with the people and atmosphere of The Pink Elephant. These people were more kind to one another than in any other business I have ever been in. I will leave you with a photo of our artist pretending to be cross-eyed. Good times.

Will was up after the girl finished. He had been waiting long enough that he was a little amped with anticipation by the time he got in the chair. Our artist, Butchie Von Dreaux, began outlining the art, and Will began looking a little peaked. I was busy texting people and not giving my dear husband the attention he needed (according to Will). After the outlining was finished, Butchie began mixing the color for Mayah's symbol, and Will asked if he could stand up. Butchie told him no and the next thing Will remembers is waking up from a beautiful dream. Butchie had grabbed Will's arm and kept him on the chair while Will floated in and out of consciousness for about five minutes. I didn't know what to do because Will's facial expressions were kind of creeping me out. Watching someone pass out is straight up weird. Butchie Von Dreaux told me to go down the street and get him a Coke to get his blood sugar back up. When I got back, Will and Butchie were having a good laugh. It was all very bizarre. Will drank his Coke and walked around and was back in the chair within about ten mintues. According to Dr Butchie, it is quite common for someone to pass out once he relaxes in the chair. Will says that after the outlining was finished and he realized how little the rest of the tattooing was going to hurt, his whole body relaxed and he was in dreamland.
Overall, it was a great experience. We are both thankful that we waited until we were in our thirties to get a tatoo. We were also VERY pleased with the people and atmosphere of The Pink Elephant. These people were more kind to one another than in any other business I have ever been in. I will leave you with a photo of our artist pretending to be cross-eyed. Good times.
Whoa!! =) You guys surprise me!