Thursday, December 9, 2010

Short Visit

Hello, my faithful friends. If you are reading this, it means you haven't given up on me. I haven't posted anything since July. Who out there is sick of looking at my blog and seeing sweet Lily and her Bieber Fever? I know I would be if I had internet at my house. Will and I moved to a new home in August. It is bigger and more suitable for a family of five than the two bedroom townhome we were in for three years. It has been a fantastic change with just a few road bumps (water in the basement, clogged pipes, leaking know, nothing we couldn't live around). With all of the changes of moving, maybe our biggest change is that we don't have internet. It's not that we can't have is just that we don't. We will least that's what I keep telling myself. Until that glorious day when we decide to get off our warm and cozy buns and call someone about hooking us up, you will have to live in the knowledge that my family is well and wonderful.

There are so many things that I could update you on that it is almost too overwhelming to start. If you really care, call me :) If you are just looking for something to read on the world wide web, you are going to have to look somewhere else for the time being.

I will leave you (and the library where I sit) with this story from today:

"What do you want to be when you grow up, Mayah?" asks Judah.
"I want to be Dora."
"No, you can't be Dora."
Crying ensues, followed by footsteps running into the living room where I sit. "MAMA! Judah says I can't be I can't be I can't be (we are in a stuttering stage) Dora when I is older."
Judah follows. "Mayah, you can't be Dora when you are older because Dora is a pretend character in a pretend show. It isn't possible to be Dora," Judah explains to his heartbroken sister.
He has a point. I ask him, "Judah, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Without missing a beat: "Diego."

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