Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Every Playdate Should have a Kohl's

Today Judah, Mayah, and I packed into the van of my dear friend, Julie to go to Ankeny. Will had the day off, so he kept Liam with him (thank you, dear husband). Judah and Zoe, Julie's two and a half year old, are self-proclaimed BFF. They are adorable together. Our proudest moment as mother's of these two children happened one day when Julie and I were sitting in her living room chatting it up. Judah and Zoe had been in her bedroom for an extended period of time, so I went in to check on them. They had climbed into Zoe's crib and each had a Bible. I asked them what was going on, and Judah answered, "We're reading our Bibles together, Mama." We raised them well. You had better believe that I am taking the credit for this!

Above is a photo of Judah and Zoe in the back of Julie's van playing with pixie cups. The fun never ends.

It was zoo day for our playgroup, but Julie and I got this crazy idea in our heads that it was supposed to rain all day (thank you, Ed Wilson). So instead, we loaded two of my kids and her two kids into her van for a trip to where? You guessed it...Kohl's. Julie had some returns and I had nothing better to do. We giggled the whole way down to Ankeny that we were dragging our kids to a department store in search of a good time. Luckily, we were there just long enough that our four tag-a-longs didn't become too antsy. We did end the Kohl's party with twenty or so laps around the column in the front of the store while waiting for Julie at the check out line. I am sure shopping at Kohl's never looked like so much fun.
The main event had ended by ten, so we finished up our playdate with a trip to the local McDonald's and let our kids play in their play area. Would you believe that families were already eating fries and burgers at ten? Vomit. As we left the play area, Zoe realized we weren't going to eat lunch and began a crying jag that lasted about ten minutes. I mean, who goes to MCD's and doesn't let her kids get anything? Pure cruelty.
As silly and random as our playdate was, I was completely exhausted by the time I got home. Kids are exhausting. Will is baffled when he believes I am engaged in his storytelling and looks over to find me asleep on the couch. I can sleep anywhere at anytime. It is a gift that has been perfected since the addition of child number three. It is a gift I hope never to lose.


  1. I'd be careful about calling out Ed Wilson like that. You know he google's his name every night to see what the blogosphere pings back.

  2. i'm surprised that you believe ole EW can master weather prognostication and the internet. lofty expectations, jacob.
