Enough of comparisons, and back to the youngest. Liam is a dream. He has been waking up only once at night since he came home from the hospital and has slept through a few times. He smiles and coos and takes a lot of beatings from J and M. Mayah just finished playing the "Liam is supporting all of my body weight while I kiss his face" game. It's a favorite of ours. He loves to be held closely and falls asleep almost instantly when we position him chest to chest. He is my only child who will not take a pacifier, which is maddening. Believe me, I have tried. Judah can make him smile almost instantly and is the only one who can make him laugh.
After my colicky child, Mayah, I wasn't so sure I could handle bringing another baby into our house. Liam has broken the mold. Before I was married, I was sure I wanted six kids. After having Judah, that number went down to four. After Mayah, I had to pray that God would make me want another one. (Six months later, He hadn't really left me a choice:) With Liam, I am more optimistic. I'm not making any promises, though...remember, he's only eleven weeks old.
My favorite part of Liam's appearance right now is his curly hair. His hai
r is super curly right out of the bath, but dries straight and spiky. I really hope that he has hair like Mayah and not Judah. I'm not sure I can handle another kid with Will's hair...poor Judah...
Anyway, here is a photo of Liam's hair right out of the bath.
Hmmm..not sure what else I can say about this little guy. He's beautiful and wonderful. We love him to pieces. If you haven't met him, you are missing out!
Thanks for letting us "meet" little/big Liam! We've been thinking about driving over to Ames Sunday a.m. to go to church with Jacob. If the Owens family will be there, can I hold him during the service? I need to get the back muscles ready for one-syllable-starting with J-named-baby boy coming in August!