Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today the kids and I went to a family day at our lame-o mall in Ames. They put a kid's section in where the fountain used to be about six months ago. Today was the ribbon cutting. Yep, a ribbon cutting. It was e-barrising (anyone?). To go along with the ribbon cutting, there were free cookies, free play on the lighted dance floor, story time by Ames' own Bra-less Gerri, and crafts. I love me some free fun!

As we were leaving the mall, a mountain of white toilet paper caught my eye. I thought it looked like something my children would like to see, so I turned right and set off to gawk. This house got rocked with toilet paper. I was instantly embarrassed by all of the shoddy jobs I have pulled off in my life. It really was a thing of beauty.

I decided to find out what Judah thought, so I asked, "Judah, what do you think?"

Judah replied in his innocence, "It's glorious."

Either my son is just ridiculously easy to impress or I am raising a troublemaker. I am a little afraid.


  1. Ha ha!! Judah has a great vocab! Just make sure that e-barrassing sticks and throw in an e-nnoying for good measure. It's hard to go back after Dylan introduced those "glorious" words into our vocabulary.

  2. What a great comment from a 3 year old! I'm glad he didn't refer to bra-less Gerri as "glorious".

  3. Ahh, Dylan. I had to give him a shout out! Believe me, bra-less Gerri falls a bit short of glorious...especially when she leads jumping songs at the library...ugh.

  4. your son is obviously a visionary. He instantly recognised what most of us failed to see, that this common sophomoric prank had been planned and executed so thoroughly that its completeness had vaulted it into the realm of artform. the maestro prankster had precisely expressed his angst with the perfect symbol of a synthetic apriori truth! Judah was left breathless with no less verbage than "glorious"
