Saturday, September 5, 2009

To Bathe or Not to Bathe

I finally went for it. Mayah is 21 months old and had some long, ugly hair. She had the weird, mullet type layers that a baby's hair grows in. You know, short in the front and long in the back. If I washed her hair EVERY morning, she had the most beautiful curls I could have imagined. But come on, who other than a new mother of one child bathes her child every day? My kids are lucky if they get baths three times a week. Poor Liam has only been bathed twice in five months. (Okay, please note that I exaggerate.)

Okay, not really...but I am astounded by my own lack of motivation to bathe my children. I don't want to have gross kids, it is just such a chore to clean three children. When Judah was born, I gloried in giving him an infant bath every single night. It was sweet...I was naive. When Mayah came along, she got a bath maybe every other night. When she and Judah were finally able to bathe together, it became an every other night thing with a definite bath on Saturdays. Liam came along and upset the fruit basket. I try to get Mayah and Judah in every other night, but Mayah is at the age where she HATES water in her face (unless we are playing with water outside...then she can't get enough). Unless there is applesauce in the hair, a wash cloth will usually suffice. I am raising the stinky kid in class.
Moving right along to my point: Mayah was not getting sufficient bath times, so I decided it was time to give her ratty hair some help. I gave her her first hair cut. Here is the ridiculously long before picture :

So, when you go about cutting dry hair that normally curls, here is a reminder: it dries a ton shorter than where you cut it. Duh. I totally knew that, right? Well, for some reason I forgot. I chopped Mayah's beautiful curls so short! Here are our after pictures:

Well, Mayah is beautiful. There is no denying that. Her hair is short enough that she won't need it washed unless it is sticky and gross. Another normal parent duty avoided.

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