Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Preschool Debut

Today was Judah's first day of preschool. I wasn't sure if I was going to send Judah to preschool or not until my friend, Cory, came up with a great plan. She and I, along with eight other moms, all have children who could be enrolled in preschool but are not for one reason or another. I know that it is important for Judah to have the preschool experience if I am going to enroll him in school later on...believe me, I am not anti-establishment. He needs to learn to share, take turns, raise his hand, and do all of those other great things he refuses to do at home.

So, my friends and I put together our own little preschool. We are meeting at the church in one of the classrooms on Wednesday mornings. We have a schedule set up so that each mom teaches, assists, sits in the nursery, and has five days off in a semester. I had this morning off. I spent my free time at Hobby Lobby. It was glorious. My favorite part of this arrangement is that I can leave Mayah and Liam in the nursery during my days off, so I really do get a morning to myself. Plus, I totally trust the moms who are teaching Judah.

Judah came home with a picture that was titled, "This is Me on My First Day of Preschool." It was a circle and some squiggles. I asked him what it was, and he said it was Gordon shunting some coal cars. Whatever.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea you moms came up with. Love the stylin' hair!
