Monday, November 16, 2009

Feeling Useful is Better Than Feeling Important

Those are the nuggets of wisdom I just heard the narrator on Thomas the Tank Engine impart on said show. Hmmm...I'm beginning to believe Will's theory about the show being written by communists.


The other night, I asked Judah and Mayah to begin calming down before bed. I could not get them to stop running, let alone calm down. Will, assuming I had everything under control, went upstairs to shower and left me alone to deal with them on my own. I took this video to show him what he was missing:


I wanted to let you all see how precious Liam is when he is smiling and grunting. What I really captured is my oldest son being the victim, my daughter being the bully, and my youngest being oblivious. Enjoy.

In case you are wondering whether just asking for the ball worked, it didn't.


  1. Happy Birthday to Judah! (12th or 13th?) Things I loved about the video: Mayah's panting as she's running around; Judah trying to use the knowledge he's been taught for solving problems and Liam trying to take it all in. I'm also wondering why Judah is the only one who gets to wear a shirt?

  2. Judah turned 4 on the 12th! I will post some pictures of his party :)
    I didn't notice the panting. How very dramatic of her. It creeps me out every time I watch the moment that I turn around and Judah is just standing over my shoulder.
    Judah is the only one who gets to wear a shirt during meals...well, other than Will and I. I usually just leave the shirts off after supper because the pjs are coming on soon. Putting shirts back on for an hour seems like an unnecessary step.

  3. Thank goodness that you and will wear shirts during supper! thanks for being so modest
