Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shaun of the Dead

So tonight, we decided to pull out one of my favorite zombie movies. I am a self-proclaimed lover of all things zombie. Weird, huh? I know I should be embarrassed to admit this, but I'm really not. I don't know if it is because I grew up in a household where my dad would rent "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Friday the 13th" movies for us before I turned 10. Yeah, I'm not sure about that parenting choice, either. Regardless, I grew up watching slasher movies with my brothers and sister. I don't necessarily go after slasher movies these days, but I do still get a rush out of being scared. Growing up, we lived in a farm house tucked in a wooded area far from any town or police station. There were cemeteries a quarter mile away on either side of our house, and my dad would give us a quarter each to walk to the scarier of the two cemeteries and touch the front door of the church after the sun had gone down and the credits were rolling. I tell you this so that you understand that fear is ingrained in me...stop judging me!!

Anyway, I have come to terms that I am drawn to zombie movies. I think it is because I know that the thought of zombies is so absurd. I want to be scared, but I don't want to see some psycho killer on the loose killing people who look like my neighbors. It is much safer for me to enjoy zombies jumping out and eating people. To sum up my justification, I know that movies like "Hostel" and "Saw" can really happen. I could go somewhere and meet a seriously disturbed person who enjoys that type of afternoon. Zombies, not so much. The end.

If you haven't seen "Shaun of the Dead", it is in NO way frightening. On the contrary, it is quite hilarious. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost run around town trying to steer clear of the slowest moving zombies in the history of movies. It is rated R, so there is quite a bit of off color language, so beware. It is great because Pegg's character walks around town and doesn't even notice the zombies eating people and covered in blood. Love it.

Thankfully, my husband puts up with my strange zombie fascination. Below is a link to the trailer if you want to check it out. Good stuff.


PS If you don't enjoy British humour (see how I used the British spelling for humor :), you might not enjoy Simon Pegg. My mom was super annoyed when I made her watch "Run, Fat Boy, Run". That is your warning...


  1. Jess! I normally agree with you completely, but not this time. Josh really liked this movie, but I couldn't. I tried, I really did. I put up with it and watched the whole thing. Maybe if I had a thing for zombies...

    But, whoa, loved the glimpse into your childhood! :)

  2. Simon Pegg is great. Jessie doesn't know what she is talking about (as usual).
